First, I want to say that I was impressed by the thoughtful comments left on my last journal entry. There were a couple that were really thought-provoking on top of my own fairly basic points. It’s a debate that I can throw my two cents into, but which I didn’t feel I was all that qualified to discuss at length beyond the post itself since… well, politically savvy I  am not so much. Not confidently so, anyway. So while I couldn’t add much personally, I felt the thoughts of others who pass through here were worth pointing out.

Now the reason I’m really writing this: Wow, how neat is this? For some who may be interested, The Prophecy of the Circle is now being actively translated into French at La Prophétie du Cercle! Thanks are in order to one J. N. Squire, who you may or may not have seen wandering around in the comments section. We’ve been emailing back and forth for a while now, getting things ready and today’s the day.

This is so good. When I started posting Prophecy of the Circle, I told myself that my mission statement, so to speak, would be very simple: to just have someone read what I was writing, and look at what I was drawing, and hopefully be glad that they had. If one person took some enjoyment from what I had to offer, then mission accomplished. I’ve achieved that several times over, even made a few friends because of it, and still nothing makes me more giddy than just having someone tell me that they love what I’m putting up here.

And now I get to reach a whole new audience. That’s a really really nice feeling. I hope they like it, too.

Success! I have a desktop computer again and, most importantly, I finally have Photoshop and my scanner running again! I’m still slowly transferring files over in chunks, but all of the most important things are back where I need them. Looking at what I’ve managed to get done on the comic (mostly on lunch breaks at work; no rest for the wicked >> ) and then looking at the time I have left… It’s going to be tight, but I think I can still reach the Monday deadline if I pull a late night or two with painting it. Monday looks very likely. I’ll give it a 90% certainty, barring any unforeseen distractions or disasters. 🙂

While I’m here… The unfortunate part about all this is that I missed the SOPA/PIPA blackout day because I missed the memo since my contact with the world of the internet over the last few days has mostly involved being up to my elbows in computer cables. By the time I found out, the world of the net was a dark, angry place and I was very impressed. TIME Magazine was right on the money to call 2011 the Year of the Protestor. It’s still going on now in 2012.

It just goes to show how amazing the internet is as a voice of the world. I was born when the web wasn’t available to the public. I remember when it slipped into households around the world, and I’ve watched it change everything through the course of my life. It’s astounding, the way it’s become such a foundation for society all over the world, and how dramatically and quickly it’s changed the way that communications and media are used. It’s opened up a whole ton of gray areas that weren’t there when I was born and yes, one of those is the issue of copyright.

I’m going to drop this here for your viewing pleasure, although you’ve likely already seen it a dozen times:

PROTECT IP / SOPA Breaks The Internet from Fight for the Future on Vimeo.

In a world where the results of hard work and creativity are composed of insubstantial data that can, in seconds, be picked up, multiplied millions of times, and scattered around the globe without significant cost or clutter, the old ways of thinking cease to fit, and I understand that it’s hard to come up with a reasonable way to look at and deal with the result. But that’s what the internet is. That’s what we’ve wrought, the way forward that we’ve embarked on, and who we are when we’re a connected global community. The reality of it has to be faced, not buried and censored and blockaded, especially at the expense of the little people like myself. The internet has been a haven for people like me – it is the reason I even have a voice – and while copyright infringement hurts in a way that every artist, big or small, feels, the methods outlined in SOPA and PIPA aren’t the way to handle it. It’s too broad for its target, and power lies too strongly in the wrong hands for something as complicated and user-generated the web. I don’t want to go back to even a shadow of what it was like when I was born. When I was small, and already telling stories because it’s what I love to do, I remember the looks of pity I’d get and the lectures I’d hear about how hard it would be to get anyone to hear what I have to say or see what I had to show: that it’s a business world, and that I didn’t have a head for business, and I was creative but looking at an uphill battle. The world wide web arrived, Twitter and Facebook and WordPress and DeviantArt arrived, and it changed. For the better, for the better, not just for the worse. You can all hear me, I can tell this story, and I’m still not a business-minded person. That is huge and I don’t want to see it damaged.

As a Canadian, I’m slightly on the sidelines since it’s not my government that’s trying to push this ludicrous thing through. As a creator who can only thrive where I can share my work with the ease that exists today, and who would still be depressed, alone, and trapped with a story in her head that she could not tell if it weren’t for the free and open internet… I’m right in the middle of the mess and I strongly oppose this thing.

No real surprise, I suppose.

Certainties of life: death, taxes, and the inevitable burnout of a computer. Two out of three became a prominent part of my weekend, but it’s the last one there that requires an update from me here. I knew it was coming but alas, not the day nor the hour. It’s an old PC and for ages it’s been giving me signals that it’s not as healthy as I’d like. Saturday was the day when I could no longer ignore it, and it was a pretty major and sudden failure. BOOM.

Fortunately I still have my laptop so I could at least post the comic (which, also thankfully, was complete enough that I didn’t desperately need my PC), but next week’s is in question. I have a new computer to replace the old already (yes, the explosion was that bad) but it’s the rigmarole of getting it pieced together, running, everything installed, all the files back in place, and happily connected and functioning while I script, draw, and paint the next comic in the time that remains on the side. I’m optimistic (as well as a slightly crazy breed of stubborn) but there’s a tiiiiny chance that next week’s comic will be late. Probably not skipped entirely, but yeah, late. I’ll keep you guys posted as the weekend draws nearer.

It’s also a given that I may be scarce this week, which is awful because I’m already badly behind on keeping up with correspondence.

Aaaaahhhhh somebody stop time for me just for a while… XD

Seriously. I’ve been drawing a page a week for two whole years? What am I, insane?

Oh wait.
